hey im daboi, Datboii, Crusadernorich, yada yada, i go by many names but i dont do much, i like alot of stuff, including ernest p worrel, mystery inc, fallout, and other stuff lol, im also working on my current passion project, The Skeletion Key. lol





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i dont even know if i should continue tbh

The Skeleton Key 

By Datboii657 (Crusadernorich)


It was a bright and bustiling night at Dorcya City, cars driving, buisness men going to their cubicle jobs, and the citys best sound asleep, unaware of the phone call they are about to get. Keys phone buzzes awakeing him from his deep sleep, tired he opens his eyes and grabs his phone, it was the DCPD calling from some run down section of the city. "Whats up, dude?" Keys answers, in a tired, slow voice, "Hey, get your ass down here, we have a break in, one that you missed." Cheif Lenard Diora said in a angry tone. Keys mockingly says, "I thought you guys wanted us to stop doing your work, whats wrong? realize the city was paying you for doing nothing." Gas, his long time friend, knocks on his door and opens it,"Were leaving in 5." he says, leaveing and closing the door. They get in Keys rusty old box truck, and hit the road, grabbing some breakfest from a bakery they are regulars at.

Finnaly stopping at a large institution type building, they spot Lenard, or as his friends call him, Len, he is a short balding fat guy, great mustashe though, wearing a white button up with various colored stains, Len was a gifted painter, and he was a messy one too. The angry man speed walks towards them "Well, well, well, if it aint the citys heros, where were you when this poor old guy got sent to a better place huh?" he said furiousely, with a small boston accent, "You know what? It dont matter where you dunderheads were, i got a suprise for you, he calls over a lead detective, "Danny! Get over here!" the woman does a quick jog, she wore a brown trench coat and a hat to match, she wore loose fitting brown suit pants with straps and a white button up, she greets them with a simple hello, Len then says "This is Detective Danny Ruby Forlorn, she is our lead detective, and our best, i want her to accompany you two on your search for this mans killer, speaking of which." he walks away from them, bringing them to the front door, bold black letters on the front read; A (anomalus) S (supernatrual) S (study) C (center). The C had fallen down. They walk inside and notice how quick and neat the breakin seems to have happened, the glass roof wasent shattered but it was instead cut to make the opening, various objects from the pedistools were taken and on the wall was purple graffiti. "We already interviewed the witnesses, they say they saw a black heli with a something purple on the side, nobody has a straight answer though, and they say the logo is a ball, a car, or an orange, apparently nobody can decide on what the logo was, but we do know the description of one of our perps, blonde, white, early twentys, and wears all black, did say he was skinny, and he wore a brimmed hat." she turns around to see that they had wandered off. The group went inside and saw the crimescene, "Coroners report says this was 63 year old Gary Lee Brown, says it right there on his nametag, he died, from being skinned and stabbed, blade seems to be curvy like a, cult knife?" the Detective read off of a clipboard. "So, Len? Who exactly are the whitnesses?" Keys asked,

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